Departmental History
The Department of Microbiology was established on 28th November, 1998 .The first Lecturer & Head of Department was Dr. Thida from 29.11.98 to 26.3.2003. Dr. Tin Tin Myint, the second Lecturer and Head from 7.4.2003 to 31.7.2006. After that Dr. Aye Aye Hlaing serves as lecturer and head of the Department from 2.8.2007 to 31.8 2010. Dr. Thu Zar Myint serve as lecturer and head from 2011 to 2015. Prof. Dr. Cho Cho Oo serve as Professor and head from 2016 to 2019. Prof. Dr. Khin Nwe Nwe Oo serve as Professor and head from 2019 to 2020. Now Dr. Yuzana Htoon is the head of the department & she has been at the post since 1.12.2020 to date.
Departmental Objectives
At the end of the course, the learners should be able to:
- categorize the characteristics of microorganisms in causing infections commonly encountered in Myanmar
- explain the mode of transmission, pathogenesis, epidemiology, prevention and control of these infections
- evaluate the host's reactions towards specific antigenic stimuli
- analyze preventive and control measures of infectious diseases common in Myanmar
- perform proper specimen collection
- recognize the important role of microbiology in preventive, diagnostic and curative aspect
- adhere the value of personal and environmental hygiene in hospital and community settings
Courses Conducted
Undergraduate and Postgraduate programs
BNSc (Generic) second year
Speciality Nursing Diploma (9 month)
MBIO 2211: Microbiology and Parasitology (Syllabus)
Credit: 3(2-2-0-6)
Prerequisite: Nil
Course Description
Basic knowledge, concepts and practical aspects of general microbiology, systematic bacteriology, immunology, virology, parasitology, mycology, public health microbiology and applied microbiology
Course Goal
This course aims to equip students with basic knowledge of Microbiology and Parasitology to apply in nursing practice.
Course Content
- General microbiology
- Role of Microbiology in medicine
- Classification of microorganisms
- Safety precautions in microbiological laboratory
- Anatomy and physiology of bacteria
- Role of sterilization and disinfection
- Antimicrobial drugs and resistance
- Infection and mode of transmission
- Microbial pathogenicity
- Systematic bacteriology
- Definition of bacterium
- Clinical diseases caused by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria
- Acid fast bacilli, spirochetes
- Chlamydiae, Mycoplasma
- Aetiology
- Mode of transmission
- Laboratory diagnosis
- Pevention and control of these diseases
- Immunology
- Immune system
- Antigen, Antibody
- Resistance and immunity
- Immune responses
- Hypersensitivity reactions
- Immunodeficiency
- Autoimmune diseases
- Immunoprophylaxis and immunotherapy
- Virology
- Definition of virus
- General properties and classification of virus
- Clinical diseases caused by poxviruses, herpesviruses, orthomyxoviruses, paramyxoviruses, rubella virus, picornaviruses, arboviruses, rhabdoviruses, hepatitis viruses, human immunodeficiency virus, slow and oncogenic viruses miscellaneous viruses
- Aetiology, mode of transmission, laboratory diagnosis and prevention and control of these viral diseases
- Parasitology
- Definition of parasite
- General properties and classification of parasites
- Clinical diseases caused by protozoa (plasmodium, entamoeba, giardia, trichomonas, toxoplasma)
- Diseases caused by helminthes (ascaris, trichuris, enterobius, hookworms, strongyloides, wuchereria, taenia, hymenolepis)
- Aetiology, mode of transmission, life cycle, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and control of these diseases
- Mycology
- Definition of fungus
- General properties and classification of fungi
- Clinical diseases caused by dermatophytes, candida and other opportunistic fungi
- Aetiology, mode of transmission, predisposing factors, laboratory diagnosis and control of these diseases
- Public health microbiology
- Water-borne diseases
- Milk-borne diseases
- Food-borne diseases
- Air-borne diseases
- Applied microbiology
- Infection of the following system: respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, genitourinary tract, wound infections, hospital infections
- Role of nurses in the prevention and control of these infections
- Practical
- Use of chemical and sterilizing equipment
- Collection and forwarding of specimens
- Microscopic structure/characteristics and identification of microorganisms: stained smears
- Stool for routine examination
- Urine for routine examination
Teaching-Learning Strategies
- Lecture-discussion
- Tutorial
- Practical demonstration
Teaching-Learning Aids
- Microscope and slides
Learning Resources
LCD projector, power point, Lecture
- Mid-term examination 50%
- Final examination 50%