Departmental History

The Department of Biochemistry was established on 28th November, 1998. The first Lecturer and Head of Department was Dr. KhinKhinThi. She served from 21.12.1998 to 30-6-2003. Then, the department was run by Dr. Khin Win Sein as Lecturer and Head from 30-6-2003 to 6.6.2007. And then Dr. Tin Nway Oo served as Lecturer and Head of Department from 15.6.10 to 9.1.12. Then Dr Khin Hnin Aye as Lecturer and Head of Department from 22.3.2012 to 18.2.2016. And then Professor Dr. Khin Win Sein served as Head of Department from 18.2.2016 to 14. 5. 2020. Now Head of Department is Professor Dr. Moe Moe Khaing.

Departmental Objectives

At the end of the course, the students should be able   to:  

  1. describe important biomolecules found in human and their sources.
  2. explain the roles of carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals in maintaining health and development of human.
  3. describe the features of common nutritional problems.
  4. measure and calculate BMI of an individual systematically
  5. explain the causes of acid-base, fluid and electrolytes disturbances
  6. describe basic structure and metabolism of hemoglobin
  7. apply biochemical approach in solving clinical problems



4-yr BNSc



Course No:

BIOC 1211

Course Title:



3 (2-2-0)





Semester taught :


Year taught: 1

Brief course description:

Concepts and principles of biochemistry, structure and functions of important biomolecules, basic structure and metabolism of haemoglobin, energy and intermediary metabolism, biochemical basis of nutrition and digestive processes of nutrients, fluid, electrolytes and acid-base balance, hormones and cell signaling

Course synopsis:

(Summary of course)

BIOC 121 focuses on the complete understanding, at the molecular level, of all the chemical processes associated with living cells that maintain normal cellular structure and functions, and how these molecules and chemical processes change in certain disease situations

Course goal:

(Intent of course)

This course aims to make the students understand basic concepts and principles of biochemical processes occurring in the human body as a foundation for nursing practice.

Course content:

Introduction to biochemistry; Molecular biology; Enzymology; Chemistry of blood;  Chemistry of respiration; Food and Nutrition; Biochemistry of GI tract, liver and bile; Bioenergetics; Intermediary metabolism; Body fluid , Electrolytes &Acid - Base balance; Hormones and calcium metabolism

Teaching-learning strategies:

Lecture-discussion, Tutorial, Demonstration and Practical

Teaching-learning aids:

Non-projected media -  textbooks, handouts, whiteboard, laboratory glassware, instruments and equipment.

Projected media – powerpoint slides and LCD projector


Midterm test (Formative assessment)         30%

Semister end test (Summative assessment)          70%

M.C.Q – 20 items with 5 stems.  Multiple responses, minus system.

(1 hour)

M.S.Q – 10 Questions (2 hours)

Teaching Faculties (Biochemistry)

Head of Department

Prof. Moe Moe Khaing

M.B.,B.S., M.Med.Sc(Biochemistry), Ph.D,  Dip.Med.Ed,DCME

Former Heads

 Prof Dr Khin Win Sein 2016 - 2020
 Dr. Khin Hnin Aye 2012 - 2016
 Dr. Tin Nway Oo 2010 - 2012
 Dr. Khin Win Sein 2003 - 2007
 Dr. Khin Khin Thi 1998 - 2003
Dr. Aye Aye Mar M.B.,B.S